train on the ride west to kiss no less than two much bigger and much tougher westerners. 1912, was a woman, Alice Guy. There's some attraction between men and lesbians on the one side, and women and gay men on the other, that must have something to do with a lack of feeling threatened, because it's pervasive. There has to be some reason why slash fiction, or gay fan fiction, is apparently written primarily by women, while the heterosexual guys fantasise about lesbians. not that bad at all.
vendredi 29 février 2008
Billy Quirk Algie the Minor Alice Guy First gay film

Libellés :
algie the minor,
fim gay,
unesco paris 2008 mars
mardi 26 février 2008
samedi 23 février 2008
Algie The Minor Alice Guy Gay Film

Algie The Minor Alice Guy Gay Film
Blog d'Alice Guy JR: http://alice-guy-jr.eklablog.com
Voir les blogs d'Alice-Guy Peeters (Alice Guy JR) arrière arrière petite fille d'Alice Guy Blaché:
Premier film gay "ALGIE THE MINOR" Alice Guy 1912
La diva de la "Solax Star Stock" OLGA PETROVA
Herbert Blache Bolton Le mari d'Alice Guy Blache Tourne le premier long metrage de Buster Keaton
Bessie Love Alice Guy
Making an american citizen
Solax Stars Stock d'Alice Guy
Premier "All black Casting" "A Fool and his Money"
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